Saturday, April 27, 2013

April 27th - X is for X-Men Origins: Wolverine

April 27th - X is for X-Men Origins: Wolverine

How opportune for all the X-Men movies to disappear as soon as I need to watch an X movie… I haven’t read the whole X-Men series, but I don’t think most people have these days. This was my second choice for today because I don’t feel like it’s as good as the main movie series. When I say that, I don’t mean that the action or acting is bad or anything, I just don’t feel like the story holds true to the original comics or the movies that came before it.

This movie wasn’t what the creators wanted to make at first. They actually wanted to make a movie about Wolverine’s time in Japan, like in the comic series, but they realized that not everyone knew the character’s back story. So, this is the story of how Wolverine became who he is in the other X-Men movies. That being said, you would think that Wolverine would somehow start out different from when he gets to in the end, but that doesn’t really come across. Sure there is some change in the movie, but he basically ends up at the same place he started out at. I guess I’ll just have to blame it on convenient plot twists.

SO, I’m going to stop myself here before I go into another rant about the characters in this movie (I don’t feel they didn’t do a very good job on Gambit), and say that the action is perfection, the acting is what you expect from award winning actors, and that this movie tries to give you the sense that it really connects to the other stories. I’m sure it’s not because the next Wolverine movie will have nothing to do with the other X-Men movies. All in all, 4 out of 5.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine cover from IMDB
Stars from Google Images


  1. Just stopping by from the A-Z Challenge list to say "Hi" :)

    Great X post honey!

    Good luck with the rest of the challenge, although, not far to go now ;)

    xx (

  2. I know what you mean about the character not growing in Wolverine. The end is strangely flat.
    A - Z Challenge
