Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 9th - H is for The House on Haunted Hill

April 9th - H is for The House on Haunted Hill

Now I’m going to indulge my own favorite movies again, but this time it’s a lot older. Yes it’s the old, cheesy classic The House on Haunted Hill! I’ve watched the original movie by itself, but I’ve also watched it with the Rifftrax from Rifftrax.com. I’m just going to review the original movie, but the Rifftrax make this movie worthwhile by themselves.
I’ll say right off the bat that as an old movie, 1959, and it has all the old problems. The pacing is really slow, and there are a lot of scenes filled with people staring. Just staring. The effects are cheesy, but for the time I think they’re fine. There is over acting all over the place, but it’s the same with action scenes and explosions today. What I love about it the most is how straight the actors play their parts. Today, I watch it and I think it’s hilarious.
SO, for this approximately 75 minute film, it gives us a through story (mostly) which makes up for what it loses by just being old. 2 out of 5 on its own, 4 out of 5 with the Rifftrax, cause Vincent Price is still hilarious to me!
House on Haunted Hill cover from IMDB
Stars off of Google Images

P.S. Thank you so much to all those who've commented. It really does keep me focused on seeing this all of the way through!

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