Monday, April 15, 2013

April 15th - M is for The Mummy

April 15th - M is for The Mummy

I always manage to catch the end of this movie, but I think I’ve only seen it all the way through once or twice. I’ve always liked Egyptian mythology so I’ve always liked the idea behind this movie. I also admire the amount of extras that they have in some of the scenes. They make the world feel so open and expansive and that makes the scenes with the mummy much more suspenseful and so much more claustrophobic. Not that it’s always that way. This movie has comedy in with the suspense, but unfortunately, the jokes don’t always have the best timing. Just as I’m getting really into the action, someone will say something to try and lighten the story back up and it takes me out again. This isn’t all the time, but I thought I’d mention them. Though there’s comedy thrown in, the flow doesn’t really suffer too badly throughout most of the movie.
It’s good story wise too in my opinion. Some of the character development skips around a bit, but for the most part they’re pretty believable. Or at least as believable as main characters for a franchise can be. The characters have the common trait of not getting really dirty. If a character is trying to break a ceiling out above their head, by the end of the day they should be covered from head to toe in sand and dirt.
SO, to tally it up great story that was done to not only give the viewer the story, but the action and environment to make it feel all the more real. The creators put time and money into this and it shows. I had a really hard time trying to decide whether to give it 4 or 5 stars, but I think right now it feels like a 5 out of 5.
The Mummy cover from IMDB
Stars from Google Images

1 comment:

  1. I have never seen this movie...must have been something I missed. Sometimes a movie is rated a "B" movie for those very reasons...the writing! I am guessing, but it sounds good! Good post, and I hope the next time you watch it, you enjoy it more!
