Tuesday, April 16, 2013

April 16th - N is for Night at the Museum

April 16th - N is for Night at the Museum

I just realized how direct this title is. Huh. Anyways, for a movie about something most kids would consider boring and dull, it did do a good job at trying to show kids that history can be fun too. I mention kids here especially, since this movie was very pointed to that crowd in my opinion. It is fun for older folks as well, but it’s as kid friendly as a bouncy castle; not everything’s exactly safe, but for the most part it’ll be fun.
I won’t deny that Ben Stiller is a great actor, and I do like most of his comedy, it’s just that when compared to some of the other characters, his character seems way to wacky. I know that any argument I make for this case can be put down as just part of the plot, that Stiller’s character is SUPPOSED the be out of place among all the exhibits, but I still think something’s off. Maybe it’s that some of the other characters play it a bit too straight or that their characters really believe in what they’re saying, but Stiller’s goofy, funny moments with them seem to just not quite fit. This could just be me though.
The story was okay, and this is another part that makes it more of a children’s type of movie. There doesn’t feel like enough is at stake in the conflict and the resolution comes too easy for me. Sure, there is some worry in if they’re going to actually be able to save the day, but I wish there was more. I know they had much more action in the conflict of the second movie, so I guess they learned from this.
SO, to conclude today: points gained from good acting, great costuming, and fun comedy; points lost for some stray character unevenness, not having enough at stake, and unsatisfying conclusion. Oh yeah! They also get props for the awesome dinosaur dog! 3 out of 5.
Night at the Museum cover from IMDB
Stars off of Google Images

1 comment:

  1. How do you not love a dinosaur dog?!? I had taken the grandkids and they loved it!!
    A to Z-ing to the end
    Peanut Butter and Whine
