Saturday, April 6, 2013

April 6th - F is for The Fifth Element

April 6th - F is for The Fifth Element

I think The Fifth Element was my first real Sci-fi movie. Of course, back then I never got to see the very end for some very obvious reasons. It was my first choice as soon as I got to picking out my F movie, one because it’s funny and serious at the same time, and two because I haven’t gotten the chance to watch it all the way through in a while.
My favorite part of this movie has to be the opera song by Diva Plavalaguna. I don’t think it’s not giving away much to say that it is probably the best scene in the movie in terms of action in combination with music, and the best in any movie I’ve ever seen.
Though I really love this movie, there are a few things that are a little bit, well, not done very well. For instance (again trying not to ruin the movie) when the main bad guy is talking to his boss (another part I don’t get) there is a point at which it looks as if he has chocolate syrup running down from his temple instead of what I think should be blood. It took me a couple times through before I understood that his head was supposed to be bleeding, but I guess that’s just me.
SO, in conclusion, a good, general starting point if you’ve never watched a Science Fiction movie before. There are a couple spots that don’t feel quite right, but overall, I think this is 5 out of 5!

The Fifth Element cover from IMDB
Stars from Google Images

1 comment:

  1. Best movie every.

    Happy A through Z posting.
