Thursday, April 4, 2013

April 4th - D is for Dragon Wars

April 4th - D is for Dragon Wars

Ha-Ha! Bet no one was expecting this one! That’s right, I’m trying to get the dragon related movies out of the way this week, so here we have the very, VERY, cheesy film: Dragon Wars! Or just D-War as the DVD subtitle suggests hopefully.
I’d like to point out, and I don’t feel like I’m spoiling anything because you can see it on the cover, the “dragons” in this movie are actually just giant snakes. There are snake-like dragons in many mythologies, but the ones in this movie are just gigantic cobras. No wings, no fire, just a big hood, 4 long fangs (there are some smaller teeth), and an affinity for constricting buildings. While there are other dragons in the film, they aren’t really what most would think of when you say the word “dragon”. They have giant lizards with canons on their backs. In ancient Korea.
Getting past that, the story is very lackluster and has so many holes that sucked me right out of the story and into the void of ridiculous ideas. The premise is simple, ancient group of ninja warriors, sacrifice, betrayal, jumps forward and backward in time, yada yada yada. I think the movie was based on an old Korean legend, but that doesn’t really make it okay to make an action movie with no plot except “run away, run away, run away!” until the last few scenes! The ending itself was grand and wonderful, but the rest of the movie didn’t hold up its end of the film.
SO, in conclusion, good basis, bad execution. I wish someone could go back and make this story a little more coherent and maybe a little more connected. Also, they need to make the big bad dragon look different from the all powerful good one. Make your bad guys discernible from you’re good guys please. 2 out of 5.
Dragon Wars cover from IMDB
Stars from Google Images

1 comment:

  1. Nice read and a good review :)
    Looking forward to more reviews from you

    Bhavya from the AtoZ Challenge blogging at Just Another Blog
