Friday, April 5, 2013

April 5th - E is for Escape from New York

April 5th - E is for Escape from New York

I was going to watch Eragon, but five minutes in I found out that my disk had a giant scratch on it, so here we go on another movie I’ve never seen! I’ve seen Escape from Las Angeles, so I knew a little about what was going to happen but not much. The creators of this movie must have been proud of it, because the first three minutes are spent slowly listing their names. This film was done in 1981, but I have to say, it looks really good for an older movie.
Our main character Snake Plissken is a true bad ass of the highest order but doesn’t always show it. In the actual beginning of the action (twenty minutes in), Bob Hauk ,the leader of the people who sent our main character in, sounds like a school teacher, Plissken is a grade schooler, and man are those some big ass needles! I think it’s just me, but there’s a lot of space between the actual motion in the plot. That space doesn’t put me off too bad though, because they used it to give the film atmosphere. Story wise, well, there isn’t much of a detailed one here. There are lots of plot holes that aren’t filled such as how everyone keeps say how Plissken should be dead, but no one ever tells us why.
SO, over all, good execution, but the premise needed more. I think I’ll watch it again with the commentary and see if that helps. From what I watched I’ll give it a 4 out of 5.

Escape from New York cover from IMDB
Stars from Google Images

P.S. - My post for F will be up late on Saturday since I'll be traveling that day.

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